8 Simple Ways to Fix Bad Breath from Throat

Bad breath from the throat, medically known as halitosis, can be embarrassing and hard to deal with. This type of bad breath comes from the back of your mouth, and while its cause may vary, there are some simple home remedies you can use to get rid of it.

1) Drink Mint Tea

One of the most common causes of bad breath is plaque accumulating in your mouth. Many different remedies available are easy and safe for everyday use. Plain old-fashioned mint tea can be used as a bad breath treatment!

Just brew some chamomile or peppermint tea with hot water, let it cool for about ten minutes, and then add 1-2 teaspoons of honey. The enzymes in the honey help break down the sugars in the food that lead to bad breath so that you can say goodbye for good!

2) Use Mouthwash

One way to eliminate bad breath is with mouthwash. Many different companies make products designed specifically for this. Two of the most popular are Listerine and Scope. Depending on your preference, these can be purchased at any store and come in many different flavors or scents.

Listerine typically gets rid of more germs than Scope, but both will do the trick if you have bad breath in the morning or after a meal. Purchasing these products can help get rid of the odor of bad breath and give you peace of mind that you are less likely to offend anyone!

3) Chew Fennel Seeds

An easy way to fix bad breath is chewing on fennel seeds. Fennel seeds are a natural and long-lasting way to eliminate bad breath due to their high anti-bacterial properties. They will leave your mouth smelling fresh and feeling good too. You can find fennel seeds in any grocery store or on Amazon.

2) Another excellent method for getting rid of bad breath is using some oxygenated toothpaste and dental floss, which will remove plaque and kill bacteria all at once. You can find this type of toothpaste at any drugstore or on Amazon as well.

4) Use Alum

One common cause of bad breath is poor dental hygiene. Consider starting a cleaning routine, making sure that your teeth are cleaned after every meal and drink. You can also rinse your mouth with water, but not while brushing or eating, as this may damage your tooth enamel.

Alum will kill the odor-causing bacteria and return you fresh breath! Baking soda has a high pH balance that can help neutralize the odor-causing plaque on teeth. Just follow these steps:

 1) Brush your teeth (along with morning breath cure for bad breath) for two minutes with baking soda and warm water.

2) Rinse your mouth and spill all excess water into the sink. It would help if you did not spit it in any other direction.

5) Gargle with Salt Water

Halitosis is caused by bacteria that lurks in the throat and mouth, a topic we all want to avoid. Halitosis can signify other oral health problems. So you must see your dentist for checkups. While you're in the waiting room or on your way out, pick up some salt packets at the drugstore and try one of these easy solutions:

Step 1) Boil 4 cups of water with 4 tablespoons of salt until the salt dissolves. Fill a cup with boiling water and let it cool off enough that it's not scalding hot anymore.

Step 2) Gargle mouthwash (for 15 seconds). It's simple but also highly effective when it comes to bad breath cures.

6) Use Aperient Powder/Liquor ice/Black Tea

Aperient Powder is a helpful home remedy for bad breath. Add a teaspoon of Powder to a cup of warm water and sip slowly. Liquor ice roots or black tea may also be helpful. If you have bad teeth, see your dentist as soon as possible.

Stinky breath can also be caused by mouth breathing or allergies; in this case, gargling salt water or using over-the-counter allergy medications may help with the issue. Lastly, brush your tongue when it sticks out with toothpaste, and don't forget about regular brushing and flossing!

7) Get Regular Dental Checkups

If you tend to have throat problems, you should make it a point to get regular dental checkups. For one thing, tartar and plaque can build up in your mouth and trap bacteria which causes bad breath.

There are many causes of bad breath, and the only way to find out is by consulting with a doctor or dentist and determining if an underlying problem needs treatment. Inadequate breath remedies such as chewing gum or brushing your teeth will only provide temporary relief since they cannot remove the cause of bad breath.

8) Eat Healthy Snacks

Munching on fresh apple or whole grain crackers may be just what you need. Unsweetened, dried fruit, such as apricots, is another excellent idea. If your dry mouth is due to chemotherapy or diabetes, speak with your health care provider about possible treatments and mouth rinses that might be available.

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