How to Avoid Heat Stroke While Biking

If you're going to be biking in the heat this summer, you must take the proper precautions, so you don't get heat stroke and end up in the hospital.

Heat stroke occurs when your body overheats from extreme temperatures, resulting in high fever, dehydration, and potentially fatal damage to your organs if left untreated. The best way to avoid heat stroke while biking in the heat is to remain adequately hydrated with plenty of water and electrolytes before, during, and after your ride.

Stay hydrated

The easiest way to avoid heat stroke while biking is by staying hydrated. Here are some tips on how you can stay cool while cycling: -When cycling, drink a cup of water every 15 minutes. Be sure not to ingest more than two cups of fluid an hour, as this will cause you to be over-hydrated, which increases your risk for heat stroke.

A popular option for cyclists looking for hydration is investing in a hydration pack or reservoir for their bike where they can store a liter of water and periodically take sips during their ride. -Avoid sugary sports drinks as these will make you dehydrated, and work against your best efforts towards keeping cool.

Wear Light Clothing

A little prevention goes a long way when it comes to heatstroke. Cycling clothes are designed with airflow, which helps release sweat away from your body and ensures you don't overheat. In hot weather, wear light-colored clothing that won't absorb too much of the sun's heat.

Bike gear can be more expensive, but if you want to do it right, it's worth the investment! Finally, drink plenty of water before and during your ride. This will keep your electrolytes balanced and ensure you are drinking enough water as you go about your day!

Adjust your route

You can do several things to stay safe while biking when sweltering out. For example, be aware of how often you must stop drinking water. Stop for extended periods every 10 minutes if you're tired or thirsty.

Don't push yourself too hard because you may get into trouble later on. Make sure your route has a slight shade throughout the day and anyplace with air conditioning, like stores, malls, or libraries. Lastly, wear light-colored clothing and remember your sunscreen! 

As for mountain biking in extreme heat, it's best not to overdo it by riding too long at once, as your body will start feeling very hot and overheated.

Don't push yourself too hard

Suppose you're planning on biking in extreme heat; plan by wearing breathable clothing, drinking plenty of water, and taking breaks every ten minutes.

Also, try cycling during the more excellent parts of the day and riding your bike on well-shaded or protected bike paths. Finally, avoid strenuous exercise during peak hours. Remember: don't push yourself too hard!

Limit time spent outdoors during peak times

Time spent outdoors during peak times should be limited, and biking, a typical summer activity, is best done early in the morning or after dark. There are many ways to avoid heat stroke while cycling. A few of these include:

Do not wear synthetic materials that trap your sweat.

Drinking water every 20 minutes.

Staying out of hot environments like parking lots and direct sunlight.

If you're mountain biking in extreme heat or cycling in a heat wave, it's essential to drink plenty of fluids beforehand and get plenty of rest. Hence, you're not too exhausted by midday and wear sunscreen for protection from UV rays which exacerbate dehydration.

Pack water and electrolytes

When it comes to heat, one of the best ways you can protect yourself is by staying hydrated and preventing dehydration. However, some people may be more susceptible to heat stroke than others.

So what's suitable for one person might not be suitable for everyone. You'll want to take note of these tips before cycling in a heat wave: 

Drink plenty of water and avoid caffeinated beverages. - Wear lightweight clothing made of natural cotton or linen that allows your skin to breathe. Please avoid tight clothes or anything with rubber or plastic, which will hold sweat against your skin and cause you to overheat.