Syphilis Test Results Explained

Syphilis Test Results Explained: Symptoms, Procedure & What to Expect

An accurate syphilis test is essential to diagnosing this treatable disease, but how do you know whether your lab results are accurate? In this article. We'll explain what to expect from your syphilis test, what the results mean and how you can use them to formulate your treatment plan. Read on to find out more about your syphilis test results!

How Common Is Syphilis?

While Syphilis is not common among adults, it is only around 1 or 2 cases of Syphilis in 100,000 adults. However, being aware is never bad; if you do not want to risk it, make sure you take a syphilis screening. You can get a syphilis test from your nearest Essa Lab or any other reliable lab. Tests usually take between 2-5 days after you send your sample for testing.

How Do You Get A Syphilis Test?

The syphilis test is a lab test that checks your blood for syphilis antibodies. The procedure involves taking a sample of your blood and running it through a machine called an ELISA tester (this is where Essa Lab comes in).

A high level of antibodies suggests you've got Syphilis. A low level means that you do not. In reality, in the beginning, stages of the illness, you could get an inaccurate negative result. It is important to test again at least two weeks after exposure. What happens if you are diagnosed with Syphilis?

Symptoms of Primary and Secondary Syphilis

Syphilis is an abacus disease which is brought on through Treponema pallidum. If not treated immediately, Syphilis can harm your brain, nerves, eyes, and even your heart. Many people who suffer from Syphilis don't exhibit symptoms until they're diagnosed. If you suspect you might have had contact with Syphilis in the past but haven't yet been tested or taken care of it, you should do so.

Seek medical assistance immediately! Tell them you've been exposed. Ask for the results of a blood test within 14 days after exposure, before any symptoms show up (even if there aren't obvious symptoms that indicate infection). The treatment strategy is based on the time since you contracted the infection (the time between the time of infection and the testing) and whether you were suffering from any other health transmitted diseases.

Third Stage of the Disease

The most severe stage of Syphilis is split into three distinct stages. It is typical to suffer more severe signs as the stage gets worse. In the later stages, complications can develop and cause major organs to be affected, such as your heart and brain (seriously!).

The majority of doctors advise seeking treatment in each of the three phases. However, it is important to note that in some instances, the earlier treatment can help stop the development of later complications. It's essential to know whether you're suffering from Syphilis and immediately get it diagnosed in Essa Lab Karachi or another accredited lab that is a professional to test.

Treatment for Early and Late Stages of the Disease

This can treat Syphilis in two stages. The first stage is called the Primary Stage, and the Secondary Stage is treated with antibiotics or penicillin shots. For advanced cases, surgical removal of swollen lymph nodes or parts of organs infected by Syphilis is necessary for treatment. As for as STD Testing for Syphilis in Excel Lab Islamabad goes.

Our lab has one of the quickest test processing times - we offer same-day syphilis testing! This makes it easier for you to get a test done and know your results as soon as possible. At Excel Lab, we have the utmost professional care taken by our nurses that do all lab analysis, including detailed analysis and reporting, with no extra charges! So get your Syphilis diagnosis tested today through our online booking facilities.